Deep Cuts

I try not to overuse the phrase “deep cut.” It is just one of those terms that loses its bite—its heft—when you throw it around like a frisbee. The more a song is referred to as a deep cut, from the “deeps” so to speak, the less said song may elicit intrigue. 

That being said, I do, in fact, seem to overuse the phrase “deep cut.” Can’t help myself. It just sounds right. 

Perhaps my favorite part about music is the conversation that it can catalyze, and there are few moments more rewarding than dropping the deep cut bomb in a conversation and having it hit. Being able to surprise, or be surprised by an artist, song, album or otherwise and having it resonate on a personal level is what we live for as music junkies. 

The following is a brief—very brief—list of tracks that I have at one time or another labeled as deep cuts. Some I discovered by chance, some through recommendation by others, and some were likely introduced to me at one point or another before I convinced myself that I had indeed discovered them on my own. Irregardless, I feel that these cuts cut deep, and what’s a cut without a certain depth to go a’cuttin? 

No method to this madness just press play and shuffle ‘em up. 

PS. This is an infant playlist that could benefit substantially from a listener’s input. Do not hesitate to reach out with some song recs, or to question the depth of my cuts. Please leave a comment below with any suggestions, or find us on Instagram!


You Don’t Hate Country Music


Thin Lizzy